Creativity is Mistakes
Creativity is Mistakes is a collaborative project between disabled artists and visual arts organisations in Wales. The project centres the voices, talents and lived experiences of disabled, Deaf and neurodivergent visual artists in developing innovative models for collective access in the visual arts.
Audio flyer:
Illustrated by Camille Aubry

More resources:
Creativity is Mistakes would like to warmly thank all cohort artists: ​
Roy Barry, Leila Bebb, Sam Dinsdale-Brown, Heledd C. Evans, Maria Hayes, Siân Healey, Lucy Hinksman, Gail Howard, Bev Bell Hughes, Rebecca Jagoe, Steph Roberts, Tina Rogers, Ceridwen Powell, Booker Skelding and Sara Louise Wheeler.
‘Dear Art Gallery…’ useful resources
1. What do you know?
Time to Act: How lack of knowledge in the cultural sector creates barriers for disabled artists and audiences
https://www.disabilityartsinternational.org/resources/time-to-act -final-results/
Bring Us Our Creative Rights: Disabled People’s Cultural And International Manifesto by Disability Arts Cymru https://disabilityarts.cymru/bring-us-our-creative-rights-manifesto
SHAPE Arts directory of arts organisations and support:
DASH (Disability Art Shropshire) archive of resources: https://www.dasharts.org/
Disability and... podcast by Disability Arts Online https://disabityarts.online/magazine/podcasts/
Access Toolkit for Artworkers by Iaraith Ní Fheorais https://www.accesstoolkit.art/
2. What do you have?
Euan’s Guide, top tips for making you museum or gallery accessible
https://www.euansguide.com/campaigns/top-tips-for-museums- and-galleries/
How to Put On an Accessible Exhibition a guide by SHAPE Arts.
Accessibility resources for museums, galleries and heritage sites, VocalEyes
Access Guide, Arts Council England https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/sites/default /files/download-file/Building_access_guide_260319_0.pdf
3. How do we reach you?
Heritage Access 2022 report, by VocalEyes https://vocaleyes.co.uk/research/heritage-access-2022/
Time to Act report, by On The Move www.disabilityartsinternational.org/resources/time-to-act-how-l ack-of-knowledge-in-the-cultural-sector-creates-barriers-for-disabled-artists-and-audiences/
Places to Start: Creating Access, by Disability Intersectionality Summit www.disabilityintersectionalitysummit.com
Sociability An app that helps disabled people find and review accessible places https://www.sociability.app/
4. What can you offer?
Easy Read Artist Contracts by artist Jack Tan, FACT https://www.fact.co.uk/resources/2022/03/easy-read-artist-contract
Unlimited advocate for the needs of disabled artists, and champion best practice across the arts https://weareunlimited.org.uk/
Shape Arts is a disability-led organisation that aims to remove barriers to creative excellence https://www.shapearts.org.uk/
Arts and Disability: residency programmes, ArtConnect www.magazine.artconnect.com/artist-opportunities/arts-disability-residency-programs
Initiatives for Disabled Artists, ArtConnect www.magazine.artconnect.com/resources/initiatives-for-disabled-artists-you-should-know
Access Docs for Artists, a guide to artist riders by Leah Clements, Alice Hattrick and Lizzy Rose developed at Wysing Arts centre 2018 https://www.accessdocsforartists.com/