Arty Jen-Jo
Arts Officer:
Alan Whitfield |
I used to paint using Acrylics and painted using a head pointer which had a paintbrush screwed on at the end. I went on an art course but I learned to paint by my head at school. I then moved onto photos, videos and audios in the last few years since COVID-19. I used my computer/communication aid which called Accent1400 Liberator. I taught myself to do the photos, videos and audios using the camera on my computer. I do the recordings of the audios on zoom. Since I can't use my hands very well, I have a Silver dot on the middle of my glasses to operate the mouse, with a tracking system on the top of my computer to track the dot. I won the DAC Arts Prize 2022 by putting a Video in called "Emerging From The Raging Seas." My Profile picture is a clip from this Video.