Artist of the Month #3: Cheryl Beer

Eco sound artist Cheryl Beer crouching at the base of a tree with field recording audio equipment.
Landscape photograph of a valley and forest

Hearing impaired, environmental sound artist and composer Cheryl Beer, has spent the last year working with the ancient rainforests of Wales, composing music led by the vascular systems of four remaining fragile enclaves. Her work reunites ancient Celtic grounds that would once have been joined together under the soil, by the fine feathery threads of mycelium fungus, as one magnificent rainforest.

By repurposing hearing aid and sensitive biomedical sound equipment, Cheryl has collated biorhythms created by conductivity deep within trees, ferns and moss, using these readings to compose CÂN Y COED Rainforest Symphony, unearthing previously unheard conversations within nature, where every note played is led by the ancient trees, fern and moss, themselves. Through her ground breaking arts & technology fusion, Cheryl’s unique way of composing music is raising awareness of our globally significant eco-system.

Cheryl has several events coming up over the next few months. Find out more about CÂN Y COED and Cheryl’s activities here.

Join Cheryl on the 21st June 2022 for the launch of her much acclaimed Unlimited Commission
​​CÂN Y COED Rainforest Symphony, as it airs across international platforms & tours throughout Wales.

Cheryl’s Blog

Cheryl’s Facebook


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