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Disability in Wales and Africa: Share Our Story Event

When: Thursday 5 December, 12 noon - 1pm

Where: Ty Hywel Building & Online

DWA is hosting an IDPD event at the Ty Hywel Building to celebrate the achievement and aspirations of the Share Our Story (#SOS) Project. #SOS is a project which encourages people with disabilities from Wales and Africa to share and discuss their lived experiences to promote inclusion.

The event will be on 5th December 12 noon to 1pm, with lunch provided afterwards, in conference rooms C & D and will be hybrid, so people can come in person or join remotely. A link will be sent to people wanting to join remotely nearer the time. There will also be an opportunity to hear about some of the stories and discussions which have transpired.

The event will include the launch of the #SOS Evaluation Report, an address by Jane Hutt AS, and a social media “thunderclap” in support of #SOS. The project has 60/70 participants and has generated about 250 stories.

This will be an opportunity to bring Deaf and Disabled People from Wales and Africa together in a demonstration of Global Solidarity. Consequently, we are anxious to have a good representation from the Welsh Disability Movement.

To register or find out more information, please contact Paul Lindoewood:

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