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Open Call: Observations on the Landscape - Canal & River Trust

Author: Canal & River Trust

Deadline: 4th of October

We are inviting submissions from creative professionals from culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds to create billboard artwork(s) that re-contextualise the landscapes within the UNESCO World Heritage Site in North Wales. The billboards will be displayed as temporary artworks as part of a celebration event for World Heritage Site Art Project: The Bridge that Connects by the Canal & River Trust.

The Bridge that Connects project has been funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund through Wrexham Borough Council.

Who can Apply

  • Creative professionals from culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds

  • They are living and working in Wales or have a practice based in Wales

Artist Fee:

The artist fee is £1,000 per artist. Expenses and remuneration for travel will also additionally be provided up to the value of £200.

We anticipate that the opportunity will support approximately 3 days' work apportioned (pending whether what is proposed is the creation of a new response or an iteration of existing work, practice/idea) 0.5 desk-based research, 0.5-day site visits if required and 2 days production.  

How to apply:

To apply for the open call please use the following form to submit your expression of interest.  Artists will then be shortlisted and awarded the opportunity:

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