Ffion Campbell-Davies Presents YOUR SKIN IS MY LAND (Home) at Experimentica 24, Chapter

Sunday 14th of April 7pm at Chapter

BSL: Nez Parr

Ffion Campbell-Davies, one of the artists commissioned by Disability Arts Cymru and the Arts Council of Wales for Cymru Fenis 10, is presenting new work at Experimentica 24, Chapter Arts Centre.

Ffion said:

I will be sharing an immersive body of work which reflects on our powerful relationship with our bodies and the land.

Using projection, live sound & live painting influenced by Ritual & Traditional Chinese medicine.

If you like immersive participatory experiences I will be opening the performance with a guided Qigong movement meditation with live sound and projection which can be experienced standing or seated, and of course this is an offering, you'r not expected to participate if you prefer not too.

It's going to be a heart opening show so bring your loved ones and let's connect our bodies with the earth's electromagnetism!!

Congratulations Ffion!


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